
The Biology Department’s policy is that any student found responsible for academic dishonesty will receive no credit for the assignment involved. However, any faculty member can create a policy specific to their course that could be more or less severe than the departmental policy. If a course syllabus contains a policy, that policy supersedes the department’s policy. Check your course syllabi and learn more about the Duke Community Standard.

Below is a listing of all Biology courses. To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”. 


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Number Title Codes Notes
BIOLOGY 20 General Biology AP Credit for a 4 on the BIO AP exam
BIOLOGY 21 General Biology AP Credit for a 5 on the BIO AP exam
BIOLOGY 89S First-Year Seminar Offered every Fall & Spring
BIOLOGY 111CN The Quest for a Fountain of Youth: The What, Why and How of Human Aging
BIOLOGY 128FS Evolutionary Genomics: Who Are We, Where Have We Been, and Where Are We Going? STS, NS Focus Program Only
BIOLOGY 138FS Evolution, Ecology, and Genomics of Symbiotic Interactions R, NS
BIOLOGY 150 Teaching Internship in Biology
BIOLOGY 153 Climate, Coffee, and Coronavirus: Why Ecology Matters to Human Health EI, STS, W, NS
BIOLOGY 153S Climate, Coffee, & Coronavirus: Why Ecology Matters to Human Health STS, W, NS
BIOLOGY 154 AIDS and Other Emerging Diseases STS, NS
BIOLOGY 157 The Dynamic Oceans STS, NS
BIOLOGY 159 The Future of the Oceans: From Science to Policy STS, SS
BIOLOGY 180FS Global Diseases STS, NS Focus Program Only
BIOLOGY 189FS Biological Impact of Racism STS, NS, SS
BIOLOGY 190 Special Topics in Biology
BIOLOGY 190FS Focus Program Topics in Biology
BIOLOGY 190S Topics in Modern Biology
BIOLOGY 201DA Gateway to Biology: Molecular Biology STS, NS No longer offered in this format (was a pandemic era mitigation). Take Biology 201LA instead.
BIOLOGY 201L Gateway to Biology: Molecular Biology STS, NS Offered Fall, Spring & Summer
BIOLOGY 201LA Gateway to Biology: Molecular Biology STS, NS Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 202L Gateway to Biology: Genetics and Evolution STS, NS Offered Fall, Spring & Summer
BIOLOGY 202LA Gateway to Biology: Genetics and Evolution STS, NS Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 205 Marine Megafauna STS, NS
BIOLOGY 207 Organismal Evolution NS
BIOLOGY 208FS Computing on the Genome: An Introduction to Genomics and Bioinformatics NS, QS Focus Program Only
BIOLOGY 209-1 The Ecology of Human Health STS, NS
BIOLOGY 209-2 Ecology for a Changing Planet STS, NS
BIOLOGY 209D-2 Ecology for a Changing Planet STS, NS
BIOLOGY 210S Reading for Research
BIOLOGY 212L General Microbiology NS Offered every Fall & Spring; Can be used for Div req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH!
BIOLOGY 213D Cell Signaling and Diseases NS
BIOLOGY 216 Life's Purpose STS, CZ, NS
BIOLOGY 218 Biological Clocks: How Organisms Keep Time NS, QS
BIOLOGY 220 Cell Biology NS
BIOLOGY 221D Developmental Biology NS
BIOLOGY 223 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology NS Offered Fall & Spring
BIOLOGY 224 Fundamentals of Neuroscience STS, NS
BIOLOGY 228S Food and Fuel for a Growing Population: Nuts and Bolts of Plant Growth and Production STS, NS DukeImmerse only
BIOLOGY 255 Philosophy of Biology R, STS, CZ, NS
BIOLOGY 261D Race, Genomics, and Society EI, STS, NS, SS
BIOLOGY 262 People, Plants and Pollution: Introduction to Urban Environments STS, NS
BIOLOGY 263 Biological Responses to Climate Change W, NS
BIOLOGY 263-1 Biological Responses to Climate Change NS
BIOLOGY 267D Behavioral Ecology and the Evolution of Animal Behavior R, STS, W, NS
BIOLOGY 267D-1 Behavioral Ecology and the Evolution of Animal Behavior STS, NS
BIOLOGY 268 Mechanisms of Animal Behavior NS
BIOLOGY 270 Conservation Biology and Policy EI, STS, W, NS
BIOLOGY 270A Conservation Biology and Policy EI, STS, W, NS
BIOLOGY 271 Marine Biology and Ecology: Fantastic Sea Creatures and Where to Find Them NS
BIOLOGY 272A Analysis of Ocean Ecosystems NS
BIOLOGY 273L Marine Ecology R, W, NS Duke Marine Lab; Can be used for Div req OR ecology, but NOT BOTH!
BIOLOGY 273LA Marine Ecology R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 278L Comparative Physiology of Marine Animals R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 278LA Comparative Physiology of Marine Animals R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 279LA Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics R, STS, NS Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 288A Biogeography in an Australian Context STS, NS summer away course
BIOLOGY 290 Topics in Biology
BIOLOGY 290S Seminar in Biology
BIOLOGY 290S-1 Special Topics Seminar - Organismal Diversity
BIOLOGY 290S-2 Special Topics Seminar - Structure/Function
BIOLOGY 290S-3 Special Topics Seminar - Ecology
BIOLOGY 290T Tutorial
BIOLOGY 293 Research Independent Study R Available every term
BIOLOGY 293-1 Research Independent Study R
BIOLOGY 293A Research Independent Study R
BIOLOGY 293A-1 Research Independent Study R
BIOLOGY 301 Introductory Biochemistry I: Intermediary Metabolism NS
BIOLOGY 306SLA Evolutionary and Ecological Genetics/Genomics of Marine Mammals STS, NS
BIOLOGY 308A Oceans in Human and Environmental Health CCI, STS, NS Course is part of DukeImmerse Program only
BIOLOGY 309A Oceans in Human and Environmental Health STS, NS
BIOLOGY 309DA Oceans in Human and Environmental Health STS, NS
BIOLOGY 312D General Virology: A World of Viruses STS, NS
BIOLOGY 314 Regenerative Biology and Medicine NS
BIOLOGY 315 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling in Biology R, NS, QS
BIOLOGY 318 Human Evolutionary Genetics R, NS
BIOLOGY 319A Coastal Watershed Management and Restoration STS, NS
BIOLOGY 320 Molecular Genetics and Genomics NS
BIOLOGY 321 Primate Sexuality STS, NS
BIOLOGY 321D Primate Sexuality STS, NS
BIOLOGY 323 Ecological Diversity and Climate Change NS
BIOLOGY 325 Current Technologies in Genomics and Precision Medicine STS, NS
BIOLOGY 326S Evolutionary Genomics STS, NS
BIOLOGY 329D Principles of Animal Physiology NS Can be used for Div req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH! CANNOT use both BIO 329D and CELL BIO 451 towards the BIO major
BIOLOGY 329L Principles of Animal Physiology R, W, NS Can be used for Div req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH!
BIOLOGY 335 Drones in Marine Biology, Ecology, and Conservation STS, NS
BIOLOGY 335A Drones in Marine Biology, Ecology, and Conservation STS, NS
BIOLOGY 341L Plant Communities of North Carolina NS
BIOLOGY 344S Plant Diversity: A Field Approach NS
BIOLOGY 346 Symbiosis: From Organelles to Microbiomes R, STS, NS
BIOLOGY 347L Plants and People STS, NS
BIOLOGY 348LS Herpetology NS
BIOLOGY 349 Entomology: An Introduction to Insect Biology NS
BIOLOGY 349L Entomology: An Introduction to Insect Biology NS
BIOLOGY 361LS Field Ecology R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 363S Animal Intelligence and the Social Brain R, NS
BIOLOGY 364L Advanced Experimental Physics NS
BIOLOGY 365L Advanced Experimental Physics NS
BIOLOGY 369LA Biological Oceanography R, NS
BIOLOGY 373LA Sensory Physiology and Behavior of Marine Animals R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 375A Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles STS, NS
BIOLOGY 375A-1 Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles STS, NS
BIOLOGY 375L Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles STS, NS
BIOLOGY 375LA Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles STS, NS
BIOLOGY 376A Marine Mammals STS, NS
BIOLOGY 376L Marine Mammals R, STS, NS Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 376LA Marine Mammals R, STS, NS Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 377L Biodiversity of Marine Invertebrates R, NS
BIOLOGY 377LA Biodiversity of Marine Invertebrates R, NS
BIOLOGY 385L Integrative Neuroscience Laboratory R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 390A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Special Topics in Biology
BIOLOGY 390LA Duke-Administered Study Away: Special Topics
BIOLOGY 391 Independent Study: Advanced Topics
BIOLOGY 391A Independent Study: Advanced Topics
BIOLOGY 412S Sensory Signal Transduction R, NS
BIOLOGY 414LS Experiments in Developmental and Molecular Genetics R, NS
BIOLOGY 415S Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Colloquium NS
BIOLOGY 417S Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology STS, NS
BIOLOGY 418 Introduction to Biophysics NS, QS
BIOLOGY 420 Cancer Genetics R, NS
BIOLOGY 421S Biology of Nervous System Diseases NS
BIOLOGY 422L Experiments in Animal Models of Human Neurodegenerative Disease R, NS
BIOLOGY 422LS Experiments in Animal Models of Human Neurodegenerative Disease R, NS
BIOLOGY 424S The Biological, Chemical, and Physical Bases of Cell Shape and Cell Shape Changes NS
BIOLOGY 425 Biophysics II NS, QS
BIOLOGY 427 Current Topics in Sensory Biology
BIOLOGY 427A Current Topics in Sensory Biology NS
BIOLOGY 427S Current Topics in Sensory Biology NS
BIOLOGY 428S Sexual Selection R, STS, NS
BIOLOGY 429S How Organisms Move NS
BIOLOGY 432S Biology of Host-Pathogen Interactions NS
BIOLOGY 433S The Biology Nobels NS
BIOLOGY 435S The Gut Microbiome: Implications For Host Evolution and Ecology R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 438 Chemical Dialogs in Biology NS
BIOLOGY 445A Climate Change in the Marine Environment EI, STS, NS
BIOLOGY 450S Genomics of Adaptation: A Modern Look at Evolution NS
BIOLOGY 452S Genes & Development NS
BIOLOGY 453S Gene-Environment Interaction: Genes in an Ecological Context NS
BIOLOGY 454S Physiological Genetics of Disease R, NS, QS
BIOLOGY 460 Population Genetics NS, QS
BIOLOGY 490 Topics in Biology
BIOLOGY 490S Special Topics Seminar Some Bio 490S courses have been approved for the ecology, structure/function, or organismal diversity menus. Varies by topic.
BIOLOGY 490S-1 Special Topics Seminar - Organismal Diversity
BIOLOGY 490S-2 Special Topics Seminar - Structure/Function
BIOLOGY 490S-3 Special Topics Seminar - Ecology
BIOLOGY 490T Tutorial Available every term
BIOLOGY 490T-1 Tutorial
BIOLOGY 490TA Tutorial (Topics)
BIOLOGY 490TA-1 Tutorial (Topics)
BIOLOGY 491 Independent Study: Advanced Topics
BIOLOGY 491A Independent Study: Advanced Topics
BIOLOGY 493 Research Independent Study R Available every term
BIOLOGY 493A Research Independent Study R
BIOLOGY 495 Scientific Arguments: Writing an Undergraduate Thesis W
BIOLOGY 495S Scientific Arguments: Writing an Undergraduate Thesis W
BIOLOGY 505 Functional Ecology of Plants NS can count for S/F or Ecology, but not both
BIOLOGY 505D Functional Ecology of Plants NS can count for S/F or Ecology, but not both
BIOLOGY 512S Weird Model Organisms in Today's Evolutionary Cell Biology NS
BIOLOGY 515 Principles of Immunology R, NS
BIOLOGY 516S Life's Purpose EI, STS, CZ
BIOLOGY 518S Natural Neurotoxins: Biology, Physiology and Toxicology NS
BIOLOGY 520S Membraneless organelles in cellular processes and neurodegeneration NS
BIOLOGY 522S Origins of Cellular Life on Earth and Beyond NS
BIOLOGY 525S Proteomics Methods in Life Sciences NS
BIOLOGY 531S Interplay Between Plants and Climate Change NS
BIOLOGY 540L Mycology NS
BIOLOGY 546LS Biology of Mammals NS
BIOLOGY 546S Biology of Mammals NS
BIOLOGY 555S Problems in the Philosophy of Biology STS, NS
BIOLOGY 556L Systematic Biology NS
BIOLOGY 557L Microbial Ecology and Evolution R, NS
BIOLOGY 561 Tropical Ecology NS
BIOLOGY 561D Tropical Ecology STS, NS
BIOLOGY 564 Biogeochemistry STS, NS
BIOLOGY 564D Biogeochemistry STS, NS
BIOLOGY 565L Biodiversity Science and Application R, NS
BIOLOGY 565S Biodiversity Science and Application NS
BIOLOGY 566S Understanding the Ecological Role of Plant Traits in Changing Environments R, NS Can be used for Ecology req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH!
BIOLOGY 570LA-1 Experimental Tropical Marine Ecology R, NS *only 1/2 credit course. Need 1 cc to fulfill Ecology area req.,
BIOLOGY 571A Sojourn in Singapore: Urban Tropical Ecology CCI, STS, NS, SS Summer ENV/PPS 390A version DOESN'T count for BIO major reqs.
BIOLOGY 571A-1 Urban SubTropical Ecology STS, NS
BIOLOGY 588S Macroevolution R, NS
BIOLOGY 590 Topics in Biology
BIOLOGY 590S Seminar (Topics)
BIOLOGY 623 Ecological Diversity and Climate Change NS, QS
BIOLOGY 652S The Life and Work of Darwin NS
BIOLOGY 660 Evolution from a Coalescence Perspective NS
BIOLOGY 665 Bayesian Inference for Environmental Models NS
BIOLOGY 668 Population Ecology NS
BIOLOGY 701 Succeeding in Graduate School in the Biological Sciences Half semester mini-course
BIOLOGY 702 Succeeding Beyond Grad School: Career Options with a PhD in the Biological Sciences Half semester mini-course
BIOLOGY 703 Professional Development for Careers in Biology
BIOLOGY 704LA Biological Oceanography
BIOLOGY 705S Teaching Biology: Theory and Practice
BIOLOGY 706 Grant Writing
BIOLOGY 708S Writing and Publishing in Science
BIOLOGY 711S Ecology Seminar
BIOLOGY 712S Plant Systematics Seminar
BIOLOGY 718S Developmental, Cellular, and Molecular Biology Seminar offered in Fall terms only
BIOLOGY 723 Statistical Computing for Biologists
BIOLOGY 724D-1 Foundations of Data Science for Biologists
BIOLOGY 724D-2 Foundations of Data Science for Biologists
BIOLOGY 732 Food Web Theory
BIOLOGY 733S The Biology Nobels
BIOLOGY 750S Introduction to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism in Biology
BIOLOGY 773A Marine Ecology Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 773L Marine Ecology Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 773LA Marine Ecology Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 773LA-1 Marine Ecology
BIOLOGY 777LA Biodiversity of Marine Invertebrates Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 778L Comparative Physiology of Marine Animals Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 778LA Comparative Physiology of Marine Animals Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 784LA Sound in the Sea: Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics Duke Marine Lab
BIOLOGY 790 Topics in Biology
BIOLOGY 790-50 Topics in Foundational Biology
BIOLOGY 790S Special Topics Seminar
BIOLOGY 791T Tutorial
BIOLOGY 792 Research
BIOLOGY 792A Research
BIOLOGY 799 Internship
BIOLOGY 841 Ecological Perspectives: Evolution to Ecosystems
BIOLOGY 842 Ecological Perspectives: Individuals to Communities