Each biology major is assigned a faculty advisor by the Undergraduate Studies office. The assignments may be based on a student's interest in a particular area of biology or a preference for a particular advisor. Students may indicate their preferences by filling out an Advisor Request Form, however some advisors may not be available to due a full roster or sabbatical leave. New majors are encouraged to fill out an advisor request form in parallel with submitting their declaration. Advisor assignments may be changed on the student's request and may also change because of sabbatical leaves and other demands on faculty time.
Faculty advisors are available by appointment during the semester to discuss all aspects of the student's academic concerns, including post graduation plans. Questions and problems that cannot be resolved by the faculty advisor should be directed to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS). Any exceptions to major requirements or questions about transfer of credit should be directed to the Associate DUS.
- Ryan Baugh - area advisor for Cell & Molecular concentration
- Amy Bejsovec - area advisor for Genetics Concentration
- Sherryl Broverman
- Arnaldo Carreira Rosario
- Ke Dong
- Xinnian Dong
- Kathleen Donohue
- Jean Philippe Gibert
- Lydia Greene
- Steve Haase
- Sheng Yang He
- Alison Hill
- Sonke Johnsen - area advisor for Anatomy, Physiology, and Biomechanics concentration
- Dan Kiehart; on sabbatical SP25
- Sara Lipschutz
- Francois Lutzoni
- Paul Magwene
- Anyi Mazo-Vargas
- Dan McShea - area advisor for Evolutionary Biology concentration; on sabbatical SP25
- Kathleen Miglia
- William Morris
- Fred Nijhout
- Masa Onishi; on sabbatical SP25
- Emily Ozdowski
- Sheila Patek - area advisor for Anatomy, Physiology, and Biomechanics concentration
- Zhen-Ming Pei
- Mark Rausher
- Julie Reynolds
- V. Louise Roth
- Jessica Sawyer - area advisor for Pharmacology concentration
- Amy Schmid
- Dave Sherwood -area advisor for Cell & Molecular concentration; on sabbatical SP25
- Nina Sherwood - area advisor for Neurobiology concentration
- Lindsay Saunders
- Gustavo Silva: on sabbatical SP25
- Lucia Strader
- Tai-ping Sun - area advisor for Biochemistry concentration
- Marcy Uyenoyama
- Rytas Vilgalys
- Pelin Volkan
- John Willis
- Greg Wray
- Justin Wright - area advisor for Ecology concentration
Advisors for students concentrating in Marine Biology: Dana Hunt, Zackary Johnson, Dan Rittschof, Brian Silliman, Tom Schultz