The Biology Majors Union is a Duke Student Government (DSG) sponsored, student-run organization that caters to the needs of biology majors, pre-majors with an interest in biology, and acts as an intermediary between the Biology Department and the students.
Events run by the group in the past include BUGS (Biology Undergraduate Seminars) with top faculty specifically invited to talk to undergrads, lunches with faculty members, student/faculty barbecues, the annual Schmidt-Nielsen Memorial lecture, and a how-to-get-involved-in-research seminar with students and faculty giving advice and answering questions.
If you're interested in getting involved, reach out to Meghna Katyal,
BMU Email Listserve (restricted to Duke email addresses or alumni)
The Biology Majors Union has an email listserv open to students at Duke with an interest in Biology. The list is used by the Biology Majors Union to spread the word about their events and activities. The Undergraduate Studies Office also uses the list to notify students about job opportunities, courses of interest, seminars, summer research programs, etc.
To subscribe to the listserv:
Send an email to Leave the subject line blank. For your message, type subscribe biomajors. Do not include any other text or a signature file
Or, you can visit the list's home page at <> and sign up that way.
If you run into any problems subscribing yourself to the list, please contact Jill Foster, at
To unsubscribe from the listserv:
Send an email to Leave the subject line blank. For your message, type unsubscribe biomajors. Do not include any other text or a signature file. Please note: you must send the unsubscribe notice from the same account and same name that you subscribed with. If you are subscribed as but your return email looks like, this will not remove you!
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