Looking for a job?
- Sign up for the biomajors listserve (needn't be a biology major to join), and you will receive postings directly via email
- Visit MUSER, which connects undergraduates with positions in research labs
- Visit the University-wide job posting site: Dukelist
- Read bulletin boards around the science buildings as there are often job flyers posted
- The Duke Career Center has resources for finding jobs, internships, volunteer opportunties
- You can also directly contact any faculty member whose lab may be interesting to you to inquire about work opportunities. Students are doing paid work in labs all over campus, many in the Medical Center departments.
Have a job to publicize?
Send the posting to jill.foster@duke.edu, including a job description, contact person and contact info, whether it's paid, work study required, for indpendent study credit, or a volunteer position, where the work will take place, and the time period. We will send it out to the >500 students on our Biomajors listserve. You can also post the job to the University's job site called Dukelist using your NetID and password: http://dukelist.duke.edu/.