Research Labs

Faculty Faculty Lab Focus Areas
Susan AlbertsAlberts Labbehavioral ecology, social behavior, evolution, biodemography, life history, hormones
Ryan BaughBaugh Labdevelopment, plasticity, genetics, epigenetics, starvation
Amy BejsovecBejsovec LabDevelopmental genetics, cell signaling, Wnt pathway, pattern formation
Emily BernhardtBernhardt Labbiogeochemistry, ecology, ecosystem science
Clifford CunninghamCunningham LabBiogeography, Phylogeography, Arthropod Phylogeny
Ke DongKe Dong LabNeurotoxicology, insect ion channels and receptors, insecticide resistance and repellency
Xinnian DongDong LabPlant immunity, transcriptional and translational regulation, circadian clock regulation
Kathleen DonohueDonohue LabEvolutionary ecology, ecological genetics, adaptation, genotype-environment interaction
Jean Philippe GibertGibert LabFood webs, Climate Change, Populations and Communities, Traits, Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics
Steve HaaseHaase LabGenetics, Genomics, Systems Biology, Computational Biology, Biological Clocks
Sheng Yang HeHe Labmicrobiome, host-pathogen interaction, plant immunity, climate change
Sonke JohnsenJohnsen Labvision, signaling/camouflage, biophysics, neuroethology, deep-sea
Dan KiehartKiehart LabDevelopmental Genetics, cytoskeleton, adhesion, morphogenesis, cell shape change
François LutzoniLutzoni Labevolution, ecology, genomics, fungal symbioses
Paul MagweneMagwene Labevolution, genomics, quantitative genetics, systems biology, computational biology, fungal pathogenesis
Paul ManosManos Labplant biology, phylogenetics, biogeography, angiosperms, phylogeography
Dave McClayMcClay LabDevelopment, gene regulation, morphogenesis, epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Dan McSheaMcShea Labcomplexity, evolution, philosophy, goal-directedness, emotion
William MorrisMorris Labpopulation ecology of plants and animals; how the abundance and geographical distribution of species respond to environmental change; plant/herbivore and plant/pollinator interactions
Fred NijhoutNijhout Labdevelopment, metamorphosis, robustness and plasticity, regulation of growth and size, pattern formation
Mohamed NoorNoor Labgenetics, evolution, recombination, lethals, speciation
Steve NowickiNowicki Labanimal communication, behavioral ecology, neuroethology, social behavior
Masayuki OnishiOnishi LabCell biology, cell division, cytoskeleton, genetics, evolution
Sheila PatekPatek Labevolutionary biomechanics, acoustics, elastic mechanisms, fast movement
Kathleen PryerPryer Labplant diversity, evolution, phylogenetics, systematics, ferns, collections-based research
Mark RausherRausher LabEvolutionary Genetics, Speciation, Adaptation, Molecular Evolution
V. Louise RothRoth LabEvolutionary morphology, body size & scaling, macroevolution, phylogenetics, growth & development
Amy SchmidSchmid Labextremophiles, archaea, metabolism, transcription factors, gene regulatory networks, systems biology
Jonathan ShawShaw LabBryophytes, peatmosses, phylogenetics, plant systematics, Sphagnum
David SherwoodSherwood Labextracellular matrix, cell biology, cell invasion, development
Nina SherwoodNina Sherwood LabCellular neurobiology, cytoskeleton, synapse formation, neurodegeneration, glia
Gustavo SilvaSilva Labubiquitin, oxidative stress, translation control, proteomics, stress response
Lucia StraderStrader Labplant biology, signal transduction, transcriptional control
Tai-ping SunSun Labplant hormone signaling, transcription regulation, protein structure and function
Jenny TungTung Labsocial behavior, genomics, evolution, behavioral ecology
Marcy UyenoyamaUyenoyama Labmolecular evolution, coalescence theory, Bayesian methods for data analysis, mathematical modeling, mating systems, social evolution
Rytas VilgalysVilgalys Labmycology, evolution, systematics, phylogenomics, metagenomics, mycorrhizae
Pelin VolkanVolkan Labdevelopmental neurobiology, experience dependent changes in gene expression and neural circuit function, neural circuit and behavioral evolution
Will WilsonWilson Laburban environments, stormwater, ecology of farming, environmental justice
Greg WrayWray Labevolution, developmental biology, transcriptional regulation, gene regulatory networks
Justin WrightWright Labcommunity ecology, ecosystem ecology, biodiversity
Anne YoderYoder Labevolution, speciation, phylogenetics, genomics, conservation, Madagascar