Independent study projects provide research experience and academic credit for laboratory, field work, or theoretical research.
Biology majors are encouraged to engage in independent study projects in areas of their interest. Independent study projects may be done with any faculty in the biological sciences. Eligible students may use their independent research as the basis for an honors thesis, leading to graduation with distinction.
Up to 2 course credits (cc) of approved Independent Study will count as upper-level elective courses for the biology major, and one for the minor. Independent Study will also satisfy one of the two laboratory course requirements for the major, as well as the Small Group Learning Experience (SGLE) requirement for graduation. Additionally, Independent Study can satisfy the general education requirement for a Research Course (R). The second semester, if it is a continuation in the same lab, will count toward the 400-level 'capstone' requirement of the biology major (for students registering outside of the Biology Dept, that will be programmed in manually, contact the DUS Office once you're enrolled in the 2nd term). Students may also request Writing (W) credit for one independent study, typically the second semester, with approval of their Research Supervisor and the DUS of the Department where the Independent Study is registered. No credit can be awarded for paid work.
All students should submit an Independent Study Form for Research in the Biological Sciences and register for Independent Study under the Department of their research supervisor wherever possible. Registrations in many bioscience departments will count towards Biology major requirements.