Daniele Armaleo Associate Professor of the Practice Emeritus of Biology darmaleo@duke.edu Ron Grunwald Senior Lecturer Emeritus of Biology ron.grunwald@duke.edu Peter H. Klopfer Professor Emeritus of Biology phk@duke.edu Sally A. Kornbluth Jo Rae Wright University Distinguished Professor Emerita kornb001@mc.duke.edu Kornbluth Laboratory David R. McClay Arthur S. Pearse Professor Emeritus of Biology dmcclay@duke.edu Alexander Motten Associate Professor of the Practice Emeritus of Biology afmotten@duke.edu Richard B. Searles Professor Emeritus of Botany searles@duke.edu Kathleen Kovalevski Smith Professor Emerita of Biology kksmith@duke.edu Kathleen Smith's webpage Vance A. Tucker Professor Emeritus of Zoology vtucker@duke.edu
Sally A. Kornbluth Jo Rae Wright University Distinguished Professor Emerita kornb001@mc.duke.edu Kornbluth Laboratory