Commencement 2025

We are looking forward to celebrating with you at the Undergraduate Biology Awards and Diploma Ceremony!

Date: Sunday, May 11th, 2025
Time: 12:00 pm to approximately 1pm
Location: Wilson Recreation Center Gymnasium

Refreshments will be available on a first-come basis prior to the ceremony. The event is not ticketed, however, we are a large major and the seating capacity averages 5-6 guests per graduate. Please head over to Wilson Gym promptly following the morning University-wide ceremony at Wallace Wade Stadium for the best availability of seating and snacks. 


Please visit the University commencement website for parking and shuttle service info. Wilson Gym is adjacent to Wallace Wade Stadium, so you won’t need to move your vehicle if attending both ceremonies.


Photo Specialties will capture each graduate receiving their diploma on-stage and in a posed shot off-stage. Proofs will be provided via an email link to students and a printed proof to home addresses within about a week of the ceremony (no obligation to purchase). Guests are welcome to take their own photos and are asked to be courteous not to block others’ views or the procession of graduates.


Wilson Gym is air conditioned, and the entrance directly off of Krzyzewskiville used for the ceremony is flat. If reserved seating for a family member in a wheelchair or with limited mobility would be helpful, contact Jill Foster at least a week in advance of the event. And please reach out with any additional needs.

Summer/Fall graduates and Second Majors

Summer & Fall grads will receive a stand-in diploma during the ceremony. If you’re graduating in Summer or Fall 2025 and received permission from your Academic Dean to participate in Spring 2025 commencement, let Jill Foster know your intention to attend the Biology ceremony as well. 

Graduates typically attend the ceremony of their first major, as that Department receives your diploma. If you intend otherwise, contact both Departments asap to see whether arrangements to attend can be made.

Student Ceremony Instructions 
  • Arrive at Wilson Rec promptly, entering straight into the Gymnasium via the door off of Krzyzewskiville (don’t use the regular entrance where you swipe in).
  • Wear your cap and gown for the ceremony.
  • Be in your assigned seat in the graduates section - marked & arranged alphabetically – no later than 11:55 a.m. Sitting in your proper seat helps ensure you’ll receive the correct diploma.
  • An usher will direct your aisle to approach the stage at the appropriate time. Bring the name ticket provided on your seat with you. You’ll be cued onto the stage when your name is called.
  • Return to your seat after your posed photo, taking the route directed by the ushers and following the students ahead. Remain seated until all graduates have received their diplomas and the ceremony has concluded.  
Questions? Reach out to Jill Foster,