Biological Structure & Function Courses

Number Title Codes Notes
BIOLOGY 212L General Microbiology NS Offered every Fall & Spring; Can be used for Div req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH!
BIOLOGY 213D Cell Signaling and Diseases NS
BIOLOGY 218 Biological Clocks: How Organisms Keep Time NS, QS
BIOLOGY 220 Cell Biology NS
BIOLOGY 221D Developmental Biology NS
BIOLOGY 223 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology NS Offered Fall & Spring
BIOLOGY 268 Mechanisms of Animal Behavior NS
BIOLOGY 278L Comparative Physiology of Marine Animals R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 278LA Comparative Physiology of Marine Animals R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 314 Regenerative Biology and Medicine NS
BIOLOGY 320 Molecular Genetics and Genomics NS
BIOLOGY 321 Primate Sexuality STS, NS
BIOLOGY 321D Primate Sexuality STS, NS
BIOLOGY 329D Principles of Animal Physiology NS Can be used for Div req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH! CANNOT use both BIO 329D and CELL BIO 451 towards the BIO major
BIOLOGY 329L Principles of Animal Physiology R, W, NS Can be used for Div req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH!
BIOLOGY 373LA Sensory Physiology and Behavior of Marine Animals R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 385L Integrative Neuroscience Laboratory R, W, NS
BIOLOGY 412S Sensory Signal Transduction R, NS
BIOLOGY 414LS Experiments in Developmental and Molecular Genetics R, NS
BIOLOGY 415S Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Colloquium NS
BIOLOGY 417S Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology STS, NS
BIOLOGY 418 Introduction to Biophysics NS, QS
BIOLOGY 420 Cancer Genetics R, NS
BIOLOGY 422LS Experiments in Animal Models of Human Neurodegenerative Disease R, NS
BIOLOGY 424S The Biological, Chemical, and Physical Bases of Cell Shape and Cell Shape Changes NS
BIOLOGY 425 Biophysics II NS, QS
BIOLOGY 427S Current Topics in Sensory Biology NS
BIOLOGY 429S How Organisms Move NS
BIOLOGY 432S Biology of Host-Pathogen Interactions NS
BIOLOGY 438 Chemical Dialogs in Biology NS
BIOLOGY 452S Genes & Development NS
BIOLOGY 454S Physiological Genetics of Disease R, NS, QS
BIOLOGY 505 Functional Ecology of Plants NS can count for S/F or Ecology, but not both
BIOLOGY 505D Functional Ecology of Plants NS can count for S/F or Ecology, but not both
BIOLOGY 518S Natural Neurotoxins: Biology, Physiology and Toxicology NS
BIOLOGY 520S Membraneless organelles in cellular processes and neurodegeneration NS
BIOLOGY 525S Proteomics Methods in Life Sciences NS
BIOLOGY 566S Understanding the Ecological Role of Plant Traits in Changing Environments R, NS Can be used for Ecology req OR struc/function, but NOT BOTH!