Recent Faculty Publications

Recent Faculty Publications

Congratulations to Biology faculty who have recently published!

Susan Alberts et al., "Social affiliation matters: both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships predict survival in wild female baboons." Proceedings of the Royal Society B. September 10, 2014; 281:20141261.

Zhen-Ming Pei et al., "OSCA1 mediates osmotic-stress-evoked Ca2+ increases vital for osmosensing in Arabidopsis." Nature. October 16, 2014; 514:367-71.

Julie A. Reynolds et al., "On course for supporting expanded participation and improving scientific reasoning in undergraduate thesis writing." Journal of Chemistry Education. October 22, 2014.

Daniel Kiehart, Erich Betzig et al., "Lattice light-sheet microscopy: Imaging molecules to embryos at high spatiotemporal resolution." Science. October 24, 2014; 346:6208.

Nicolas Buchler et al., "Measuring fast gene dynamics in single cells with timelapse luminescence microscopy." Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2014 November 5; 25:3699-3708.

David Sherwood et al., "B-LINK: A hemicentin, plakin and integrin-dependent adhesion system that links tissues by connecting adjacent basement membranes." Developmental Cell. November 10, 2014; 31:319-331.

Jose Fonseca and Xinnian Dong, "Functional characterization of a nudix hydrolase AtNUDX8 upon pathogen attack indicates a positive role in plant immune responses." PLOS One.  December 1, 2014. DOI 10:1371/journal.pone.0114119.

Putting Duke Biology up in lights!